How to sharpen a diamond blade on your own?

You often ask us how to revive a dull diamond wheel when it doesn’t want to cut anymore? One option is to have the blade professionally sharpened. However, what if you are currently working on a construction site, time is short and the blade for cutting tiles or tiles has become dull. We bring you a simple and effective solution.

How to revive a dull disc

1. If we use the electric diamond cutter for tiles and stone really often or for cutting very hard materials, the diamond blade simply gets dull from time to time. The blade stops cutting the building material, at which point work must stop and the blade must be sharpened to prevent further damage.

2. It is necessary to carry a ceramic block for cleaning and grinding diamond blades. This is used to return the edge sharpness of the diamond blade. You can find such a ceramic block in our offer and its price is around 10 €. It has multiple uses and we recommend it for any builder who frequently works with an electric tile cutter.

Ceramic block for grinding and sharpening the blade

3. The blade on the cutter must be stopped so that it cannot be moved. We then place the ceramic block in the path of the cutting wheel and drop the water cooling to one-third.

4. Lower the cutting wheel and gently press the ceramic block towards the wheel with both hands. The cutting wheel is burned into the ceramic block. Be careful not to saw through the ceramic block, but only as deep as the cutting edge of the cutting wheel.

5. By gently deflecting the ceramic block , we can guide the sharpening of the blade, as shown in the video. This procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the best possible sharpness of the blade.

6. We then return the electric saw to its original state – we release the cutting head, turn on the water cooling to full and try to saw through the cut material. If done correctly, the diamond blade should be sharpened.

You can see the whole procedure of diamond disc recovery in the attached video.

A wide range of diamond wheels for wet or dry cutting can be found in our offer. We offer diamond blades directly from renowned manufacturers CARAT, Rubi, Solga Diamant or Sima. The discs are designed for cutting various materials. There is something for everyone in our offer. In addition, we offer ceramic blocks for cleaning and grinding discs.

This article was written in collaboration with


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